duminică, 20 noiembrie 2016

The other

  1.  What are the messages you received at home about “the other”? Were you encouraged to get to know them? Or were you taught to distrust or ignore them?
  2. Did you grow up in a neighborhood that was primarily racially, ethnically, economically, religiously homogenous? Or did you grow up in a mixed neighborhood, as you see it?
  3. Today, are you more likely to emphasize how others are similar to you, or how you may be different?
  4. What has been your experience when you’re in the minority, vs. when you’re in the majority?
How do these questions make you feel? Are the answers what you expected?
Esther Perel 

vineri, 18 noiembrie 2016

Lotus Therm Spa and Luxury Resort

Every now and then everybody should get the royal treatment. One way to do that is to check in at Lotus Therm Spa and Luxury Resort at Băile Felix. Here you can get lost in a labyrinth of great taste interiors, with fancy details that can make all the difference. And if you’re here for a Conference, as I was, after a rich day full of interesting and emotional conversations about the future of Europe, you can dine at the generous restaurant or just decide to first sink in one of the many warm pools, or jacuzzi’s or forget about all tension on a massage table under the touch of magic hands. Just take a look…

… and then take my advice :)

Practice... makes perfect

Do something! Visualize just a little. Act with faith just a little. Explore your beliefs just a little. Manifest a little something; a phone call, a compliment, a flower, whatever. Expect a little miracle. Expect a little help. Expect it to be easy.
    The Universe

miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2016

God as a Brain?

Michelangelo’s Anatomy Lessons

’The Creation of Adam’ by Michelangelo, 1511
Some American experts in the field on neuroanatomy believe that one of Michelangelo’s most famous works contains allusions to anatomy. They argue that the right part of the painting is an anatomically correct image of a huge brain. As a matter of fact, you can find even the most sophisticated components of the brain, such as the cerebellum, the optic nerve, and the pituitary gland. At the same time, the conspicuous green band perfectly coincides with the vertebral artery.


Your truth

What keeps you from living your truth? Martha Beck

How to Solve a Problem

You need to look at a problem in order to have a solution. That means being somewhat distant from it. But what do most people do? We look for problems, or rather, why a problem is what it is. In other words, sometimes we create problems where there may be no problem at all.
When something goes wrong, forget about who’s to blame. Jump into creative problem-solving mode. Harv T Eker

marți, 15 noiembrie 2016

What if?

What if you woke up every day with the freedom to do ANYTHING you wanted?

What if you could bridge the gap between your dreams and reality – now?

What if you were living a life on purpose and making daily strides towards what you really want?

Bob Proctor

joi, 10 noiembrie 2016

Nederlandse lekkernijen

Ik ben zo dankbaar voor alles dat ik bij Westvest Akademie heb geleerd en nog een keer te genieten van Nederlandse lekkernijen :)
Hartelijk bedankt, Aurora.